Diary Entry (From the Point of View of Annemarie from Number the Stars)

Dear Diary,


     I have been terrified for the past few days, but when I found out what the soldiers were doing to the Jews, I was more terrified than ever before. My best friend and her family are Jewish, which makes me worry for them and their future. I was suspicious when Ellen was staying the night with us instead of being with her family for Jewish New Year’s, but I couldn’t figure out why. That night, when Kirsti was being put to bed, it was just me, Ellen, and Papa, and I decided to ask, “What’s happening? Something’s wrong. What is it?”. Then he proceeded to tell me how the Nazis took the lists of all the Jews addresses and names from the synagogue, which did have the Rosens information on it. Now I felt that I had the knowledge of everything that was happening.

     He says they’re taking them away for “Relocation”. Although I don’t know what that really means, “We only know that it is wrong, and it is dangerous, and we must help. I was more frightened when Ellen started tearing up, and then began to cry. Then another thought popped into my head, “Where are Ellen’s parents? We must help them, too!” Papa explained that if we kept the whole family, it would be very obvious that we are trying to hide the Rosens, but we could disguise Ellen as my sister. I don’t know what the soldiers have against Jews, but I do know that they are trying to do something awful to them. It’s scary to think of all the horrid things they could do to them if they ever do get them, but I try hard not to think about all of it. It does start to make more sense why all the soldiers have been here for the last three years, but I don’t know why they have been here so long.

     Many people are risking their lives to protect the Jews, and I say I would, but honestly, I don’t know if I really would, because I’m just an ordinary ten year-old girl in Denmark. Hopefully I will gain courage and not be scared of the soldiers anymore.


Until Next Time,


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