In the story “Thatagirl”, a Minor League team called the Chattanooga Lookouts faces a Major League team with the name of the New York Yankees. In this time period, the Yankees had some of the greatest players of all time with Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. The Lookouts had just signed a female pitcher named Jackie Mitchell. A young girl named Hazel lived in a house near the stadium that the game was being played in. She always wanted to play baseball with Timmy and some of the other neighborhood boys, but they wouldn’t let her play because of her gender. Somehow, she gets tickets to the game beside Timmy. They make a bet that if Jackie Mitchell strikes out Babe Ruth, Hazel could play baseball with all the boys. After four pitches, Babe strikes out, and Hazel finally got to play with the boys. Since this was in 1931, they didn’t give her a chance to show her athletic ability until she won a bet. If the story took place in 2015, she probably could’ve played with them without winning something. In this story, one of the things you need to learn is to never judge a book by its cover!