Author Archives: sdusek
My Color Poem
Chatterpixin’ about Collective Nouns
Online Safety Rules
Life In 5th Grade
Five weeks ago, I started 5th grade. It has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. It’s kind of fun being the oldest ones in the intermediate school. We also haven’t got as much homework as I thought we would. All of the teachers are really nice. We get a lot of extra recess. One of my favorite things about this year is P.E. I can’t wait to do more!
Happy Mother’s Day
My Mom has taught me how to do math. She taught me how to do addition when I was in Pre-k. Since she taught me so early, I’m really good at math. She started teaching me subtraction before my teachers did. By the time I was learning basic multipication facts in school, my Mom was was trying to teach me two digit by two digit multiplication. I love my Mom for teaching me math. My Mom is the best mom ever!
My Cinquains
Tiny, playful
Running, jumping, eating
People adore these small creatures
Skinny, thin, long
Writing, drawing, sharpening
I use it to write on paper
Fat, chubby, big
Eating, drinking, checking
He’s delivering toys to kids
colorful, long
shining, disappearing
You can see one after a storm
No end
ROW Your Site
The President of the U. S. A lives and works in the White House. There are six levels and one hundred thirty-eight rooms in the house. It’s located in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. The White House has a movie theater, a tennis court, a track, a pool, and one bowling lane.