Under The Rug

One stormy day, I was sitting on the couch watching the football game on T.V.  When the game was almost over, the power went out.  I looked down at the rug and I saw a small lump.  The lump started moving and growling. I got under a small, cozy blanket and started screaming.  It got closer and closer.  I darted to my room and locked the door.  I picked up my phone and dialed 911.  I shouted into the phone, “There is something under my rug but I don’t know what it is!”  He told me he would get there as soon as he could.  Ten minutes later, the cop was there.  He investigated the whole house.  He told me I had a big imagination and left.  “I guess I’ll have to catch it myself,” I muttered. Two weeks passed and it happened again.  I was watching T.V. with a net in my hand.  A lump grew into the rug.  I gripped the net and threw it over the lump.  I crawled under the rug and grabbed it.  When I got out, I realized it was just a small, fluffy dog.  It bit me and ran away.  I guess I got scared for nothing.

3rd grade reflections

1 thing I learned was how to divide.

1 thing I struggled with was comprehension tests.

1 thing that surprised me was that we were doing really hard multiplication.

1 thing that disapointed me was that we had vocabulary, spelling, and comprehension tests almost every week.


Mars is a very interesting planet! There are 24 hours in a day on Mars but it takes 687 days to make a year there. The average temperature is -81 degrees. It is the 4th closest planet to the sun so that means it’s an inner planet. Mars got its name from the Roman god of war. It has 2 moons which is the 5th most moons a planet has. There are volcanoes,deserts,and polar ice caps on Mars. It’s 141,000,000 miles away from the sun. The diameter is 4,200 miles.

Image from facts4me.com


We were doing a project where we looked at the temperature in different places. I looked at 7 different places. The warmest place I looked at was Puerto Rico and it was 86 degrees. The coldest place I looked at was New York City and it was 45 degrees. Orlando’s temperature was 68 degrees and I would like to go there   because it has Disney World.

5 Senses

I went to the nature center. I felt a light breeze rushing into my face, the heat of the sun, and Riley throwing rocks at me. The trash can smelled nasty. I also tasted my dirty hand. I saw a white car and a red bench. I heard kids yelling their heads off, birds chirping, and water dripping from a rock.

The Candy in my Hand

The candy in my hand sounds like rustling leaves if you shake the candy in a bag. The inside feels mushy and the outsidse feels smooth. It looks shiny when it’s in the light. What candy is in my hand?                                                                                                                     


One March 20, 2013 my class went with Mr.Mcbride’s class to the nature center. We saw a hill with dirt at the bottom. The dirt got to the bottom because of erosion. Erosion is where stuff such as small rocks or dir
t get moved by something. In this case, the dirt was moved from the top of the hill to the bottom of  the hill by either wind, rain, or ice.

Fleanarg’s Adventure: Escape From Earth

There once was an alien named Zeenarg. But he had a lot of fleas so aliens called him Fleanarg. He was from the 2-inch planet called Sleenarg. But since it was 2 inches he moved to Smeenarg. It’s a planet near Earth but hardly anyone has ever heard of it. He enjoyed Smeenarg. But there was one reason why he didn’t like Smeenarg. There wasn’t any Walmarts. One day, a giant hamburger landed on Smeenarg. Fleanarg went to eat it but then the hamburger started to float towards Earth. Fleanarg grabbed the hamburger. Fleanarg passed out. When he woke up, he realized he was in Walmart which was in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was so happy! He didn’t have any money so he just stole a pie and he was out of there. After being on Earth for a day, he discovered that he hated Earth. He went to McDonald’s and grabbed a french fry. The french fry floated to Smeenarg. He was happy to be home. The End.